“Keith Cunningham is a national treasure. I would move Heaven and Earth to work with him!”

- Tony Robbins

Keith Cunningham speaking

Keith J. Cunningham

Business and teaching have been in my blood for as long as I can remember. The business side got an early start … In 1961, to be exact, I started a door-to-door egg delivery business when I was 11 years old. In terms of return on investment and lessons learned, it was by far my best deal. In fact, my egg business is what laid the foundation for me to be able to pay my way through college. I graduated to other money-making ideas, including the more typical childhood endeavors of a paper route, mowing yards, and baby-sitting. Through it all, my dad had me keep a ledger, which recorded all my sales and expenses and profits. He also insisted that I invest some of my profits. This is where it all began. Read my bio to learn more about my career and my experience with business and investing.


"Keith takes the concept of growth and boils it down to actionable steps business owners can take to move from being operators to owners. Putting the 4-Day information to use, I'm confident, will translate into millions!"


A. Garza, Texas


"Attending Keith's 4-day MBA would be the single most consequential thing you could do for your business."


J. Odegaard, Massachusetts


"The 4-Day MBA addresses all aspects of business and will raise the business acumen of anyone regardless of level of experience."


D. Lewis, Georgia


"The 4-Day MBA is the absolute ultimate business course - my best experience in over 50 years of attending classes."


J. Waters, Oklahoma


"The direct actionable information in Keith's 4-Day MBA is so powerful. The amount you learn in a short time that you can then immediately apply to your business is amazing."


K.Brown, Colorado

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Keith Cunningham is an internationally known speaker and seasoned entrepreneur. No one knows business better than him. When you’re in need of tips on how to grow a business or how to be a successful entrepreneur, listen to Keith’s podcasts and videos. He shares strategies you can implement even in today’s volatile economy.
