
Hear What Our Clients Have to Say

Keith J. Cunningham and his Keys to the Vault Business School have mentored and coached thousands of top executives and entrepreneurs around the world. He teaches the tools and strategies used by the pros, not only to make money, but also to keep it. To learn more about how Keith can impact you and your business and the impact he's had on others, take a look at the testimonials below:

"Keith takes the concept of growth and boils it down to actionable steps business owners can take to move from being operators to owners. Putting the 4-Day information to use, I'm confident, will translate into millions!"

A. Garza, Texas

"Attending Keith's 4-day MBA would be the single most consequential thing you could do for your business."

J. Odegaard, Massachusetts

"The 4-Day MBA addresses all aspects of business and will raise the business acumen of anyone regardless of level of experience."

D. Lewis, Georgia

"The 4-Day MBA is the absolute ultimate business course - my best experience in over 50 years of attending classes."

J. Waters, Oklahoma

"The direct actionable information in Keith's 4-Day MBA is so powerful. The amount you learn in a short time that you can then immediately apply to your business is amazing."

K.Brown, Colorado

"I signed up for the 4-Day MBA to learn a few ways to improve revenue and profit performance, which I got - but even more valuable was the overall approach and methodology to view my business comprehensively. This is to say there are many contributors to financial results that have nothing to do with finances or financial management. Keith introduced the many things that contribute to the success of the enterprise, it's people and its owners. Well done."

D. Powell, Maryland

"Decades of experience drilled down into a way that is easy to understand, tangible and practical. How to Buy (or Exit) a Business a straight dive into practicing and experiencing with actual case studies. Fantastic basis to re-think business and business approaches that can be implemented immediately."

A. Strolz, United Kingdom

"This is the best money I've ever spent on continuing business education. Not one ounce of fluff and every second spent in the room outweighed anything else I could be doing. Period."

J. Dixson, Washington D.C.

"The 4-Day MBA digs deep and asks the hard questions. You cannot get this level or amount of information from a one or two-day class. It gives a map of how to implement strategies instead of just a bunch of bullet point takeaways. Instead of only telling you what to do, it actually tells you how to do it."

C. Farris, Texas

"How to Buy (or Exit) a Business removes the mystery behind the business valuation process plus helps you see the levers to pull to improve the future stream of cash flows."

L. Blaiotta, Kansas

"Keith empowers each and every one of us to think for ourselves. It is so relatable to what we do every day and we are not being sold something, it’s very genuine."

L. Cook, Australia

"Your business success depends on it. Plan or Get Slaughtered will be the best investment you make all year. Simple and to the point with just enough anecdotes to keep the audience engaged."

D. Petrone, Washinton D.C.

"How to Buy (or Exit) a Business is imperative if you are considering buying a business. You also learn how to run a company you already own."

A. Cannon, Indiana

"At the 4-Day MBA, you will be coached to acknowledge the financial optics and the key drivers to succeed as a CEO/Owner and how to start improving your business."

D. Zaldivar, Mexico

"Plan or Get Slaughtered will provide structure around what most likely is currently unorganized critical thinking. The structure around the critical thinking is designed to assist with obtaining specific results. "

E. Jones, Virginia

"How to Buy (or Exit) a Business provides the clear principles and processes to evaluate buy opportunities and how to optimize a business for future sale."

K. Alft, Texas

"The 4-Day MBA is a must for any serious business owner. Keith focuses on real education - culture, team and growth. It’s a very deep educational dive. You will walk away from this course with a new skill set."

D. Alexander, Colombia

"Keith is a master of dissecting all the parts of a business down to actionable steps for implementing improvement. I am excited beyond belief to have found such an extraordinary business superstar willing to teach all he has learned."

C. Halley, California

"Keith has a deep knowledge on the subject and is able to translate business principles in plain English. The 4-Day MBA is taught by someone who has been there and done it and still doing it."

R. Gilles, Canada

"The 4-Day MBA helped me to get clarity about how to think about business from the perspective of an owner rather than of an operator. Keith makes it easy to understand the concepts that he introduces."

K. Emami, California

"Keith is simply the best! His experience and his genuineness are unique and one-of-a-kind. The practicality of his teachings will make the cost and time involved ridiculously small compared to the gain and dollars it will generate for you!"

C. Hillmeier, Germany

"Keith’s 4-Day MBA was exactly the deep dive into our business that we needed. We also need help to see ourselves swing. From the minor tweaks to the big ah-ha's, this was a game changer."

A. Curwen Williams, Colorado

"The 4-Day MBA has very practical suggestions to grow your business and provides pointers which business owners usually miss when thinking about their business. The content is easy to understand and implement."

G. Woo, Hong Kong

"At the 4-Day MBA, you will get clarity on reading the numbers to know the health of your business as well as specific strategies for improving the culture of your company - all to promote growth."

S. Diener, North Carolina

"You can't fly a plane if you don't know how to read the controls. Keith’s 4-Day MBA will teach you incredible foundations on how to run/own your business and will give you the tools and clarity to adequately measure your performance and take action."

K. Borg, France

"Everything taught was easily applicable and despite some of it appearing obvious, Plan or Get Slaughtered is incredibly eye-opening. I liked the time allocated to discuss and think about our own businesses. Keith is great to listen to."

C. Sharpe, United Kingdom

"You will be so tired and brain dead after Plan or Get Slaughtered, but it will be the single most positive impact in preparing for success. I was not being talked down to, or told how easy something is. I was given the ability to work it out on my own, with a little direction."

A. Gordon, Washington D.C.

"I just saved myself decades of trail and error. I thought I was coming to the 4-Day MBA to learn accounting - which I did - but some of my most valuable takeaways are insights about business, leadership and growth that you can't get from someone without the unique experiences and insights that Keith has."

A. Dunlap, New York

"It's a great methodology to pinpoint how you will go about achieving success. All too often "goals" are abstract - too vague to pin down – Plan or Get Slaughtered helps sort the mental clutter and get to the bones of framework. More hands on time fleshing out ideas and creating them."

M. Patel, New Jersey

"The 4-Day MBA is a great summary of the tools, strategies, tactics and techniques that can be implemented to improve performance and grow a business. Helpful, specific financial, operational and cultural questions to ask which will make it easier to take lessons back to the management team and begin the implementation and improvement process."

B. VanDeWeghe, California

"Plan or Get Slaughtered gives you a template and how to ask the questions that will lead you to the answers that will enable you to grow your bottom line and understand why. The answers are not given. Direction on how to find answers in a changing environment were given."

J. Paul, Oregon

"There are clear and actionable takeaways from Plan or Get Slaughtered that will improve your business. This isn't fluff. It's engaging and requires a high level of thinking, attention and focus. Thinking time was new for me. Having a prioritized list of Most Important Things that I could turn into actions."

J. McQuesten, South Carolina

"Plan or Get Slaughtered will allow you to break down your challenges in your business in a way that is manageable and attainable. The group sessions allow you to apply what you learn immediately and see instant results with the methods demonstrated."

G. Contreas, Florida

"Keith has a great way of explaining business and how to plan and move them forward. Keith gets you excited about your business where you start to see the possibilities. I believe it speaks to me in a way that I understand and can execute on."

J. Brauc, Illinois

"The 4-Day MBA will break things down to a point where you can see weakness in your operation. I have been to several events and as instructors go, Keith is a master. The subject matter was presented in an entertaining, logical and understandable way."

K. Wittenauer, Illinois

"If you want to get a grip on your financials and understand your business at another level, you've got to go to The 4-Day MBA. Keith gets into the weeds and teaches things that aren't often covered. Very in-depth and practical."

C. Bolt, California

"I would tell them to look at my post seminar end results and talk to my team about the difference they experienced after I took the 4-Day MBA. The energy was high. The information was very relevant and pertinent, the class flowed well."

L. White, North Carolina

"The 4-Day MBA covers everything from accounting to sales and the complex topics are packaged and delivered in a simplified way to understand and excitement in moving towards implementation. The quality was great and easy to comprehend."

B. Lavigne, Canada

"If you are looking to grow and or strengthen your business and want to learn the skills and tools necessary to do so, take The 4-Day MBA. This program is more practical. It's not about broad concepts, it's specific skills and tools that can be used."

E. Weinstein, Florida

"The 4-Day MBA is the most useful business course I've ever taken. I am amazed at how many finance and accounting courses that I've taken that don't pull together key information the way this course has. So useful, thank you."

A. Joosub, Canada

"The 4-Day MBA will help you become a business owner, not an operator. You will learn how to run the business side of your business. You will learn how to read the financials. Very punctual, comprehensive, covered all major areas of business. The quality of students in the room was very high."

R. Rodriguez, Illinois

"The 4-Day MBA will open your eyes to your own assumptions so that you can make better decisions to get what you want from business. This course has the flexibility to relate to every kind of business and really dig deep on hard but necessary obstacles to really improve my game."

D. Stanfield, Utah

"If you want to truly grasp financials and know what business levers matter, go to The 4-Day MBA and get mastery principles in 4 days. Save years of that terror, pain and tears, get rich. Much deeper and practical, very hard or impossible to disagree, it's fundamental."

V. Finaldi, New Jersey

"Keith’s 4-Day MBA course is a must if you want to step into truly owning your business instead of it owning you. Keith unlocks and demystifies, with compelling simplicity, accounting and business principles needed to lead and grow your business. Keith's presentation skills are unique and extraordinary. 5 stars!"

D. Rosenbaum, Illinois

"The power of asking better questions, thinking time and how we are able to use these skills in order to reshape our business plans and innovate in ways I didn't believe possible. I have not done continued education or business coaching with the exception of college classes, but Plan or Get Slaughtered felt much more hands on and practical. I wish we were taught these skills in college or high school."

B. Carson, California

"Plan or Get Slaughtered is a great tool to get you to think outside of the box. To think differently about your approach to building your business. A must if you are serious about building a successful business. No fluff, just the actual tools needed. No one else goes over the importance of thinking and how deeply to think."

R. Rogers, Utah

"I came with one million ideas and bunch of answers, but Keith opened my eyes with some great questions. These questions helped me to clarify my ideas and set me up to take off my business with confidence. Plan or Get Slaughtered is practical, it's real, it's spot on. The main issues in business, no matter which business you are in, you will benefit from attending this program."

J. Li, Florida

"Plan or Get Slaughtered gives you the ability to look at your business as an owner, not an operator as most of us do. You will be able to get coaching and ideas from people that have a fresh set of eyes and no preconceived notions about you or your business. I had the opportunity to not only receive the information, but also putting it immediately in the framework of my business - thinking time."

A. Williams, Florida

"Keith is a masterful teacher. You'll learn finance and accounting, but you'll also learn how to recognize what levers to pull to get the results you want and learn to translate numbers into words and words into numbers. One speaker, 4 day intensive rather than many speakers. Tangible product instead of slides and your own notes as a student."

O. Redden, California

"Plan or Get Slaughtered sets aside time for you to have uninterrupted thinking time. It is a great foundation to get some big planning ideas out there and start thinking in a new way. It allows for listening, learning and application in the session. Having people outside your business give you ideas makes you think in a whole new way."

S. Hobin, Arizona

"Best business planning class I've attended. Plan or Get Slaughtered has helped/enabled me to develop better questions which have created better ideas and better choices which will soon become better results. Relevant content that is understandable, relevant and explained in an easy to follow methodology."

S. Bisciotti, Virginia

"If you want to take your business from floundering and ordinary to flourishing and extraordinary, study with Keith. He is a master at the game of business and a mentor and teacher of exceptional aptitude. He has impacted my business and life on a deeply personal and profound way. He is a STUD! Very interactive and actionable. The Thinking Time exercises are included at just the right points."

L. Nations, Florida

"Plan or Get Slaughtered gives you the format and time away from your business to better understand how you can grow and improve. You have the opportunity to reinforce things you already know, develop ideas and choices you have not thought of. It is an interactive journey that uses the expertise you have about your business to identify actionable activities, format is less about lecture and more about self discovery."

J. Nash, Florida

"The 4-Day MBA helps you understand how to measure and understand the metrics of your business so you stop being just an operator and start also being an owner. Outstanding content presented in such an easy to understand format. Keith truly has a gift for breaking down very difficult concepts into bite sized digestible pieces so that anyone can understand. He had us to stop and think about how we would implement it. Loved that!"

H. Haughian, Florida

"The 4-Day MBA is an eye opening educational program. It really makes you stop and look at your business in different sections, in ways that you may have not even thought about. The class size is nice, not too big. Keith personally went around shaking hands and introducing himself. That right there along with his teaching skill is by far priceless and worth every penny."

A. Martinez, California

"If you are committed to understanding how to look at your business from the true owner's perspective and understand how to steer your outcomes, then you need to take Keith's 4-Day MBA program. This program gets into the nuts and bolts of growing, managing and owning a successful business with a far greater certainty of outcome."

K. Alft, Texas

"Thank you Keith! I tell everyone I don’t know where I would be without you and the Board. The level of clarity is crazy after a meeting. The amount of mistakes and bullets I dodge from attending the quarterly meeting is phenomenal. To think how many mistakes would be made throughout a year of not doing these meetings quarterly… The team will push through with these M&M’s this quarter. Everyone internally here is onboard and happy with the direction from my time spent in Board meetings."

G. Valkenburg, Australia

"Without a doubt you will leave The 4-Day MBA with at least one, probably more ideas in every category Keith discusses. I could offer a money back guarantee on this class with confidence there would be no takers. The way Keith brings the class through financials is sheer brilliance. It is so moving how freely he shares his lifetime of work. I was dumb as a stump around my financial statements. I'm leaving feeling a lot smarter. I feel good."

N. Howes, California

"Bring your key people to Plan or Get Slaughtered. Just do it! Can't think of a better way to sync up with your shakers and doers, get them to think like an owner and empower them with tools and direction and to take ownership of the 2017 plan when they are executing. Not to mention all the invaluable information. This program gets you started on an continuing process of thinking, looking at nuts and bolts of your business, making decisions, measuring, mid-course correcting while not taking your eyes off the clearly defined outcomes."

E. Bailey, New York

"The 4-Day MBA consists of the most important business lessons a business owner needs. If you want to compress an MBA into 4 days and a fraction of the cost, yet amplify your learnings, go to The 4-Day MBA. It is by far the best business coaching you can get in 4 days. Many of the business programs I attended teach motivation, conceptual, high level stuff. 4-Day MBA taught me evergreen business concepts and strategies I can use for the rest of my life. I wish I knew a part of this when I started my business."

P. Narra, California

"This is by far the best investment you'll ever make in the process of purchasing (or selling) a business! It will literally save you years of pain, frustration and confusion and instead provide you with peace of mind and a road map to results! Love the level of specific tangible & applicable steps it teaches you!"

J. Robbins, Florida

"Keith always has a way to simplify complex topics and processes and How to Buy (or Exit) a Business is no different. Buying a business can be very daunting and confusing, but what Keith delivers in this course makes it extremely clear as to how to do it, but more importantly how to buy a great business and avoid bad ones. Simple to understand, thorough and applicable with real examples that people can relate to."

S. Stewart, Australia

"The value from How to Buy (or Exit) a Business and previous seminars exceeds the knowledge I personally acquired over 30 years being self-employed. If I would have taken this and other courses offered by Keith, I would have saved myself a lot of headaches and $$."

B. Keller, Australia

"If I had attended How to Buy (or Exit) a Business 10 years ago, my business would be very different today. It is practical and goes down to the specifics on the technical side of buying or selling a business but it also gives you a perspective of how you should run your business."

P. Cheo, Singapore