CFO Scoreboard

Keith J. Cunningham’s CFO Scoreboard Software is designed to provide the business owner with optics on the overall business. CFO Scoreboard is not intended or designed to replace your current accounting software or many of the financial metrics that a business owner may use to analyze their businesses or that are specific to an industry. On the other hand, CFO Scoreboard does provide some incredibly valuable optics and trends that can be used to make the business more profitable and sustainable. CFO Scoreboard has a very robust integrated tutorial section to answer most questions that may arise.

According to Keith, here is the key to CFO Scoreboard: If you have better optics, you can ask better questions. Asking better questions gives you the opportunity to make adjustments in your execution and performance, and therefore make more money.

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Pricing: $2,495

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CFO Scoreboard Software

PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING KEYS TO THE VAULT CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICIES - Any amounts paid for Keys to the Vault product or CFO Scoreboard Software are not refundable under any circumstances. All sales are final.

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The 4-Day MBA VT System

If you have read his latest book The Road Less Stupid, then you are familiar with his ‘bumper sticker’ approach to discussing business issues. Below is a sliver of the insight you will walk away with after studying with Keith. As Keith consistently says, Here it is on a bumper sticker: The reason your business looks the way it does and produces the results you are getting has nothing to do with your work ethic, passion, vision or dreams. Everyone has those, yet few are getting the desired growth and maximum financial results. The problem is a lack of skills and tools coupled with consistent execution on the right things to produce the results you want. He teaches those things in the 4-Day MBA!

Whack-a-Mole, Pin the Tail on the Donkey and lurching from one dumpster fire to the next is a prescription for tired… not rich. Reacting to the problem du’ jour, hiring the wrong people, lousy optics and tolerating a weak culture sabotage growth, financial success and enterprise value. Most of us know we have a problem… what’s missing is how to fix it. (Trial and error is a pathetic way to get better at anything.)

Business owners and leadership teams stay stuck, get frustrated, lower expectations and struggle financially because they don’t have the skills and tools required to run the business end of their business. It’s not that you don’t want to… it’s that no one ever taught you how. That’s what Keith teaches in the 4-Day MBA!

GREAT Content 24/7. Train. Repetition. Accountability. That's the 4-Day MBA VT System.

Pricing: $8,900 $5,900

1 Year Subscription

$-Day MBA Operator to Owner

PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING KEYS TO THE VAULT CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICIES - Any amounts paid for Keys to the Vault product, virtual training or CFO Scoreboard Software are not refundable under any circumstances. All sales are final.

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